Monday, December 20, 2010

Failure of 2010 and Painting Points for 2011

Well 2010 has been a painting and modeling failure. Real Life and video games has totally gotten in the way of the hobby. But with 2011 is a new year and I will have a new army. I will be setting up a painting point system that I have seen on various blogs.

  • Infantry = 1 point
  • Cavalry or bikes or special characters/true scale (40mm bases)= 2 points
  • Monster or Dreadnought = 5 points
  • Vehicle or Large Monster = 10 points
  • Superheavy vehicle or Gargantuan Creature = 20 points
With this I am hoping I can get myself more on track with my painting and also get some of my friends into it so we can push each other to getting more done this year. My goals are to get 2000 points of Dark Eldar painted, one of my 2 fantasy armies painted to 2500, my 2 malifaux crews, and my necromunda models. This is a big list and I have a couple of other things I would like to do that are not finalized yet.

Gaming has also been a total fail this year when it coming to miniature gaming. So I have built a point system for that just to track how much I get to play year to year.

  • Small game (under 1k points)= 1 point
  • Malifaux or GW skirmish game = 2 points
  • Games Workshop normal sized game = 3 points
  • Apocalypse = 5 points
  • Store Tournament = 10 points
  • Indy Gt Tournament = 20 points
2011 looks be a better year with me and gaming so lets see how it will go. I will be going to Gen con and Adepticon this year with hopes for more. So big plans not to fail this year lets see if I can keep them.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Here at gencon

Well gencon has started and let the craziness begin. Here are some of the awesome things I've seen so far.


Location:W Maryland St,Indianapolis,United States

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hydra Dominatus

Today I bring you the Elites of my army. The only Elites I really have are 8 terminators which I run in different amounts and set ups. The most common way is just 3 melta terminators which are cheap and are a force that my opponent has to deal with.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hydra Dominatus

Posting a lot later than normal today just too much going on. I figured now that I have a light box I'd finally going to get good pictures of all my Alpha Legion models. First up Heavy Support. I really do not have much when it comes to this just a Land Raider and 4 Obliterators. I am planning on adding more to this slot with 3 defilers, a vindicator, and a predator but for now here is what I have so far.

The Land Raider usually gets full of berserkers.

Oblits usually running 2 groups of 2 or a group of 3.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

First Malifaux model

Last night I started on my first model for my Malifaux there is a lot of detail on these models so I will be taking my time with this so far I've gotten most of the base coat done. This was my first time doing stripes on a model. I think I did a ok job but they aren't straightest.

The next step is to do a mud wash on it and then do highlights. I'm still not sure how I will base these models either it will be resin bases or I will be making cobblestone myself out of greenstuff. Also this is my first time using the my new light box that I got in last week and I'm pretty happy on how it turned out. I should have this model finished by last week and I'll post the final product.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Life in the way.

Well this last Wednesday I had sugery to remove a kidney stone so not much done on the hobby side of things. But on the good side of things I just got these in.

Best Birthday present ever!

So look forward to going with my girlfriend and taking tons of pictures so look in the future for blogs and happenings with gencon.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Malifaux the beginning.

So I have been wanting to try out a new game to take a break from all the Games Workshop games I have been playing for years. After much reading and listening to podcasts like D6 Generation I finally picked out Malifaux.

Malifaux is a small skirmish game that you have to pick a master from one of the 3 factions(each faction has 3 masters), with a force of a around 4-7 models to go with them. I went for the Arcanist faction master Ramos, he is a caster like all of the Arcanists but can build and buff constructs like steampunk spiders and robots. So I spent around 75 bucks on models to fill out my force with this I got around 75 soulstone(Normal games are around 35 soulstones) worth of models, the rulebook, and a deck( the game uses a deck of cards rather than dice to do the random part of fights).

Most of the models I ordered.

My plan for Malifaux is to slowly paint all the models one at a time between working on my Orc and Goblin army to keep me from going insane with green models. In total I have 13 things to paint with this and I want to do some counters and a display board for the small force. I am hoping to finish this all by next year at the latest. Next week I am planning to post my first painted model for this force keep a watch out for it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

40k Display Board Part 2

So with the board being based and ready to go the next step was to get it primed up. For this I used flat black Krylon primer. This step was a pain because I didn't want the paint to mess up in the humid weather we have been having so after I primed a bit of it I had to take it in to let it dry in the cooler air.

After a day of slowly getting the whole things good and primed.

After getting it primed I started on doing a quick couple of dry brushes of Apple Barrel Grey Paint. If you haven't tried this paint it is great for anything large terrain project and being around 2 bucks a big bottle it will last you for a good bit. So after dry brushing it, I went out and tried Krylon Mat Vanish since I had great things about it, and when I did it melted off the spray paint on the border of the board making me have to hand paint all of the sides. I don't know if I was using it too close or what but I hope I can get it to work on future projects since I have 2 cans of the stuff. So finally after repainting the sides and using a different varnish I finished the board and I am very happy with how it turned out.

A couple of pictures of the display ready for action

Total cost of the board 10 bucks with tons of stuff left over

Thursday, July 1, 2010

40k Display Board Part 1

So with me trying to go to more tournaments I need a new display board as my old one had broken apart and was to big for easy transport. So with this in mind I went to walmart to get some items to make it with. I came home with some sand, spray paint and a 5 dollar cork board.
The glue I already had and the sand(forgot to take a picture of the board).

So with all the items I needed on hand I went to work covering the board with watered down glue and slowly putting the sand on it. I let this layer of sand dry for a day and then painted another layer of watered down glue on top of it. So after two days of work I have a board ready to prime and paint.

After the sand first got glued down with a model to show scale.

Layer of watered down glue over the top.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Orcs and Goblins are back

Well with the soon to be release of 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy I once again have gotten in the mood to play Fantasy again after a long break. So I broke out all my Orc and Goblin models and tried to figure out where to go from there.

Almost all of the Orcs together

After taking out all my models I realised that I had a lot of work in head of me. A lot of the models I painted different times in my gaming years so none of the paint really looked the same. Also, from sitting around not protected a good amount of things have been broken. So before I can start painting I will be stripping all the orcs back down to plastic and repair all the broken models I can.

The Magic Stuff

All the Orc soaking away

Next Week I'll show the progress of the orcs soaking and talk about my thoughts with the Orcs and Goblins when it comes to 8th edition.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Beginning

Hello and welcome to the The Grim Dark South, a blog of my hobby and gaming activities and thoughts. I play almost all the Games Workshop games with a good bit of Malifaux and boardgames thrown in. With this blog I'm planning on detailing my progress with painting, tactics, and all things else dealing with tabletop hobbies. So I welcome you to login and enjoy the grimdarkness that has begun.