Thursday, July 8, 2010

Malifaux the beginning.

So I have been wanting to try out a new game to take a break from all the Games Workshop games I have been playing for years. After much reading and listening to podcasts like D6 Generation I finally picked out Malifaux.

Malifaux is a small skirmish game that you have to pick a master from one of the 3 factions(each faction has 3 masters), with a force of a around 4-7 models to go with them. I went for the Arcanist faction master Ramos, he is a caster like all of the Arcanists but can build and buff constructs like steampunk spiders and robots. So I spent around 75 bucks on models to fill out my force with this I got around 75 soulstone(Normal games are around 35 soulstones) worth of models, the rulebook, and a deck( the game uses a deck of cards rather than dice to do the random part of fights).

Most of the models I ordered.

My plan for Malifaux is to slowly paint all the models one at a time between working on my Orc and Goblin army to keep me from going insane with green models. In total I have 13 things to paint with this and I want to do some counters and a display board for the small force. I am hoping to finish this all by next year at the latest. Next week I am planning to post my first painted model for this force keep a watch out for it!


Confused_Guy said...

Finally a post on Malifaux, and still not a single painted model!

Fletch said...

tune in next week working on one now.